A downloadable game for Windows

This is a game for https://itch.io/jam/mini-jam-106-frogs.

I only spent a few hours on this so there's only one level and it's not very flushed out, hopefully it conveys the idea of what a full game would sort of be like. I wanted to do some rope physics so this was the main learning opportunity from this as well as the inspiration for the idea.


  • Left Mouse Button - Select target to latch onto
  • Mouse X/Y - Move Crosshair

Assets Used

Font: Koulen

Button Prompts: Kenney Pixel Input Prompts

UI SFX: Kenney Interface SFXKenney Impact SFX & Kenney UI SFX

If anyone is interested in similar rope physics, this is the tutorial I used - Rope Physics Tutorial


Toadally Hopping Froggin Frog Jam Build.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download and extract the zip
  2. Run the Toadally Hopping Froggin Frog.exe file